Getting involved with your professional association: Why & How (feat. Crystal Shelley)

Serving your professional association as a volunteer makes you more visible to your community and helps you to develop new skills and network with others.  There are clear and obvious benefits to volunteering in service of vulnerable populations. In addition to the benefits you can bring to others, volunteering can also be good for you:Continue reading “Getting involved with your professional association: Why & How (feat. Crystal Shelley)”

How Did You Land Your First Paid Editing Gig?

In preparing to speak to folks at the monthly Editors Toronto meeting in September 2021, I decided to tap into the freelance editing community to find out how people landed their first paid editing job. I collected 107 responses, which I stripped of identifying details, popped into this spreadsheet, and coded into categories. Unsurprisingly toContinue reading “How Did You Land Your First Paid Editing Gig?”